Your leading source for high quality bicycles, bicycle parts, accessories, and apparel.
Scooter’s Bike Shop has served the Greater Indian Valley since 1975. We have hundreds of bikes in stock to suit every different level of rider and riding style. We also carry a wide assortment of parts, accessories and apparel, including a variety of car racks.
If a bicycle or product is not in stock or available, we can order it! Get in touch with us today.
Specialized, Cannondale and Trek are letting customers order bikes online to be delivered to the dealers for assembly. Visit Specialized, Cannondale or Trek online to place an order, thanks!
Manufacturers are trying to keep up with the demand and are filling bike orders as soon as they are able to. There is an extra $45 freight charge on Specialized bikes. Thank you for your patience and loyalty.
Looking for an upgrade, tune-up, repair, custom build or custom bike fitting? We have you covered! Our mechanics have the training and experience necessary to successfully meet all of your bicycle repair needs. *Note, e-bike service: We only service Specialized or Bosch equipped e-bikes.
Current Inventory
We have hundreds of bikes in stock to suit every different level of rider and riding style. Please take a look at our inventory, and if you can’t find what you are looking for, we can order it!